viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013


Para mi clase de inglés he tenido que escribir un relato de navidad. No es que sea, desde luego, el mejor de mis escritos, ni mucho menos, pero es que mi inglés tampoco es muy bueno (por lo que si veis una falta no dudéis en decírmelo). Así que ahí va:

Once upon a time a small dog that didn't even have a name. It was only a newborn puppy whose mother, a stray dog, had died because of the cold. So it was alone between cardboard boxes to protect itself against the cold winter. It was really hungry and frightened so that it used to cry every night.
It thought it was going to die when a man arrived and picked it up to bring it with him. He washed it and gave it some dry bread and the puppy started feeling better.
This man was Sam, who had a lovely child called Mika. Mika was five years old and he was really glad because soon it would be Christmas and he was waiting Santa Claus very excited.
But his parents weren't so happy. They have no money to buy a gift for Mika and they didn't want Mika lost his hope. Hence, when Sam heard and saw the puppy crying, he thought it would be a great present for Mika who would look after it very well.
And this is the story about how Mika and Bites, his dog, met each other. Five years later, Mika goes on saying that Bites is the best present he had ever had.

¡Y con esto os deseo una muy Feliz Navidad!

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